Buying bunkers to save themselves. Have billionaires gone crazy ?

BK Singh

Did you know some of the billionaires have gone bonkers. Driven by the craze of an apocalypse they were reportedly building bunkers to save themselves from some kind of holocast. An Indian mystic mosly loitering in the wild and Himalayas had a hearty laugh while narrating the story of a king who wanted to save himself from the jaws of death during a hunting venture in the coming months. An astrologer in his kingdom had prophesied that the king would be killed during hunting.

Pondering over how to save himself, the king hit upon the idea of shutting himself inside the palace and resolving not to go out as long as the danger was lurking around.

A few days passed but one day the king grew restless as he loved outings and without giving weight to the prophesy he went out hunting but was attacked and killed  by a tiger.

So, when death has to come it will come one day at the appointed time and no force would help save a man from this cycle of life and death, said the mystic.

Their extreme wealth and privilege has only served to make the billionaires obsessed with insulating themselves from the very real and present danger of  climate change, a third nuclear war, rising sea levels , global pandemics, natavist panic, resource depletion or some other carastrophie, says this mystic.

According to a report published in the Guardian, the super rich ”preppers” were planning to escape from the apocalypse.

Tech billionaires are buying up luxurious bunkers and hiring military security to survive a societal collapse they helped create, but like everything they do, it has unintended consequences, says the report.

It’s not just Mark Zukerberg, Peter Thiek and Billgates who have bunkers many other billionaires are there in the list. Hawaii, Newzeland and few other other places are the most sought after places where these bunkers have come up. These are equipped with anything and everything like luxuries cars, gardens, swimming pools etc.

Instead of spending wealth and  making this planet a better place to live through various fundings including efforts to slow  down climatic changes, by converting green belts in countries through tech and science, they are running away by stashing the wealth they have earned from this society, says Kavish Srivastava, an environmentalist who is waiting for monsoons in India, in order to plant hundreds of saplings in his home town in Allahabad, despite his meagre resources, he says.

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