Invitation to country heads at swearing in ceremony: PM Narendra Modi gives priority to neighbours first policy:

Having invited heads of seven neighbouring countries PM Narendra Modi has clearly sent out a diplomatic message to the world that along with the earlier policy of ‘neighbours first’, India is going to adopt a new ocean policy also now.

Heads of countries who graced PMs swearing in ceremony included Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bangladesh, Mauritius, Seychelles,Nepal and Bhutan.

Five among these nations are from the Indian Ocean while Nepal and Bhutan are close and important neighbours.

During his first tenure from 2014 PM Modi had invited SAARC countries in a bid to promote ‘neighbours first’, policy.

During his second tenure barring Pakistan  and China  all neighbours including heads of countries like Thailand and Kurdistan were invited during the swearing in ceremony.

Invitations to countries this time carries deep diplomatic implications.

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