Lady Principal Bishop Johnson Girls school and college in Allahabad files named FIR against nine persons accuses police involvement


Principal Bishop Johnson Girls School and College Parul Solomon has accused the police of standing as a watchdog. At the same time, she was being molested, harassed, abused, and physically removed from her chair. The FIR lodged at Colonelganj police station alleges that the incident was organized against her despite a stay order by the high court till 29.7.2024, which clearly says that no policy decision shall be taken till this period. 

 A civil writ petition 38374 between the Diocesan Education board and vs State of Uttar Pradesh is pending before the court. 

On July 2, she was sitting in her office from 7.30 am when she saw some commotion outside on the CCTV camera. I saw LN Dan, Maurice Dan, Vineeta Esubius, Sanjeet Lal, Vishal Naval Singh, RK Singh. Arun Mozes, Tanu Vyas, Abhishek Vyas, and some unidentified persons but would be able to identify them in case she sees them. This frightened me and, sensing trouble I  locked my office from the inside. She also asked the peon to lock the office from outside top save her life. 

 But the named persons and others managed to enter into my office after breaking the lock and glass panes with a hammer and started forcing her out of her chair while she screamed to save herself from this physical harm. LN Dan, Sunil Varma, and driver Vijay allegedly snatched away her purse and a gold chain and also tore her clothes.These people continued to commit indecent acts while she kept crying for help. They also allegedly opened the drawer, took out the high court stay order tore it, and took away some cash kept in it. The cash belonged to the college. 

The Colonelganj police stood as mute spectators while all this was happening right before their eyes. 

The entire lot of the accused threatened to kill her using abusive language. 

 The incident is widely labeled as one with police connivance because of the viral video that authenticates the principal’s version. 

Interestingly, the principal has blamed the Colonelganj police for watching the law being taken into hands. 

On the other hand, the same police lodged an FIR from the principal side. 

Now, with the video of the incident going viral, what would the police do? 

 Will the investigating officer put part of the blame on the men in uniform from the same police station or some tactics would be adopted to save the policemen, as usually happens, remains to be seen. 



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