Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has directed officials to facilitate seamless transportation for devotees attending the Mahakumbh in Prayagraj. The grand religious event is scheduled to take place from January 13 to February 26, 2025, and is expected to draw millions of pilgrims from across the country.
During a meeting with officials from the Uttar Pradesh Road Transport Corporation (UPRTC) on Saturday, the Chief Minister reviewed the transportation arrangements for the Mahakumbh. He instructed that buses should operate from all districts in the state to Prayagraj throughout the event’s duration, ensuring that devotees have ample opportunities to participate in the holy bathing rituals at the Sangam—the sacred confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and mythical Saraswati rivers.
Adityanath emphasized the need for efficient planning and widespread publicity of the bus operation timetable to ensure that pilgrims are well-informed about the available services. He underscored the importance of providing a safe and hassle-free journey for all travelers, urging officials to prioritize the comfort and convenience of devotees.
The Chief Minister issued specific instructions to maintain discipline among bus drivers and conductors, including a strict prohibition on the consumption of any toxic substances. He also directed that private bus operators must adhere to the prescribed fare structure and avoid overloading passengers to ensure safety and compliance with regulations.
As part of the preparations, UPRTC plans to deploy an extensive fleet of 7,000 buses to facilitate smooth and efficient transportation for pilgrims during the Mahakumbh. In addition, 550 shuttle buses will operate within the fair area to ease movement and provide better accessibility to key locations around Prayagraj.
The state government is committed to making the Mahakumbh a grand success and ensuring that devotees face no difficulties during their spiritual journey. This large-scale transportation initiative is expected to significantly enhance connectivity, allowing pilgrims from every corner of the state to partake in this sacred event.
Adityanath’s proactive approach and detailed directives reflect the administration’s focus on ensuring the safety, comfort, and spiritual fulfillment of millions who will converge at Prayagraj for the Mahakumbh—a symbol of faith and cultural heritage.