Abhishek and wife Niharika still at large: Police fails to trace them: Investors spending sleepless nights


BK Singh

The RS 400 crore swindler Abhishek Dwivedi and his wife Niharika had also amassed great wealth by promising people pieces of land in Ayodhya and on Rewa road here in the city.

Abhishek had opened an office also in the posh civil lines of Allahabad in order to impress investors.

He had been operating this office in the name of Niharika Ventures.

As a result people started investing in real state and share market.

Those who invested in real state were promised land on Buxi Road Ayodhya and Rewa road in Prayagraj, Allahabad.

One RK Yadav had invested RS 15 lakh. He had been offered land at low price.

Another person AK Tripathi had invested RS 8 lakh while another investor Praveen Kumar Srivastava had invested RS 20 lakh. This way hundreds of gullible investors were duped.

Those who had invested in real state had been putting pressure on Abhishek Dwivedi to transfer land in their name but the accused had been delaying things on one pretext or another. However,no one had any doubts at that time that he was being taken for a ride by Abhishek who had started withdrawing huge cash under his escape plan that he had hatched much earlier.

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