Heart problems in India appears to have risen: High Cholestrol big cause behind heart ailments: Those with family history of heart ailments should get cholestrol checked at the age of 15, says expert:.


Dr S Ramkrishnan of AIIMS cardiolology department says,

after the age of 40, every person should get his cholesterol checked every year as a routine checkup, just like they get it done for BP or diabetes. By knowing the amount of cholesterol in your body, you can reduce the chances of heart attack by 50 percent.

Get this test done at the age of 18. Dr. S Ramakrishnan, Professor of Cardiology Department, says that every person in India should get his lipid profile i.e. cholesterol checked for the first time at the age of 18. These five things are included in the lipid profile including good cholesterol, bad cholesterol, non HDL cholesterol, lipo protein and triglyceride. It is very important to know about their normality.

At the same time, this heart specialist who made the guidelines says that people who have a family history of heart disease, whether heart attack or cardiac arrest, should get their cholesterol level checked at the age of 15. This can prevent heart attack in the next generation to a great extent.

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