Digging of road for repairs damages pipe line in Kydganj causing sufferings to hundreds of house owners :


Residents of several localities in the city are harried a lot due to disruption in power and water supply caused by the digging of roads by the PDA.

On Friday afternoon, the water supply in more than a hundred households was disrupted on Shabkar Lal Bhargava Road Kydganj.

As a result, residents were purchasing drinking water. They were fetching water from a distance for other purposes.

The condition of was road has deteriorated to such an extent that even tankers cannot ply here.

According to  Kiran Jaiswal corporator of the area, the PDA was getting the road repaired.

Thpipelinene was badly damaged by a JCB that was put in operation for digging the route linking a drain. The sewer line too got damaged in the process.

People in the area waited to get the damaged pipeline repaired by the contractor but this could not happen.

The contractor failed to arrange plumbers.

The corporator said sewer and drinking water pipelines were getting damaged at several places due to the digging of the road.

But there was hardly any progress in repairs due tonon-availabilityy of plumbers. This has resulted inthe disruption of the water supply and was causing agony along with great hardships to the residents.

Residents of Kanshi Ram Yojna in Kalindipuram felt much harassed due to the disruption in power and water supply in their area from Saturday evening.

The transformer in their area stopped working suddenly on saturday evening bringing life to a standstill.

The power remained disrupted till late hours in the night causing people to suffer in this humid weather.

Efforts were made late at night to get a trolley transformer to bring succor.

On the other hand residents of Azadnagar in the old city had to remain without power on Saturday due to trimming of trees.

The power department first waits for the tree branches to grow and then declares a power cut to trim the branches, said a resident.

Why can’t they trim the branches before they attain dangerous heights to reach the power lines, asked another citizen.

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