Allahabad declared one among twelve industrial hubs in the country, declares central government


Allahabad renamed Prayagraj besides being widely known in the world as Sangam Nagri

has added another feather to its cap.
In the coming times, it will also become famous as a center of Industrial development.
Big industries are going to set up factories and plants in this ancient now modernised city which is also famous as a legal, educational, and literary hub.
 Prayagraj is one of the twelve cities to be developed as smart industrial hubs.
Details will be known once the guidelines of smart industrial hubs in the country gets issued by the central government.
A hassle-free setup would be the greatest benefit that the upcoming factories and industries would enjoy.
So, the only hurdle in the desired overall development and progress of the city, which since long had been expected by the people here is going to be overcome soon.
Setting up any industry or factory in Uttar Pradesh would be much easier than in other areas of the country.

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