Allahabad High Court Bans Lawyers Strike In The State

In a significant move, the Allahabad High Court has banned lawyers’ strikes throughout the state.
In a hearing involving the District Bar Association of Allahabad which had been served with a show cause notice for indulging in frequent strikes, the high court has warned lawyers across the state not to indulge in any strike in the future.
In case they do, it would mean committing contempt of the supreme court of the country that has put an absolute ban on strikes by lawyers on one count or the other.
It is a well-known fact that litigants suffer and judicial proceedings are hampered when lawyers abstain from carrying out work in different district courts of the state.
The district courts are of utmost importance in the judicial process.
 Well-thought-of judgments with judicious application of mind and also keeping various other important factors before them, judgments pronounced by district courts do not see any alterations even when they reach the Supreme Court.
Under such circumstances, it can well be imagined how important is the role of district court lawyers in helping the judges in pronouncing judgments.
But sadly, as of today, the scene is so different.
On the pettiest of issues, lawyers refrain from work.
Only the other day, despite the fact that DBA has invited the displeasure of the high court, its office bearers announced ‘no adverse day’.This means that judges will not deliver adverse judgments.
In a way, it amounts to dictating the judiciary from carrying out its work.
Sadly, the worst affected are the litigants. But who cares?
The majority of lawyers do not have an inkling while they are getting dressed up for the court.
It is only after reaching the court that they realize that the small blackboard has an instruction for them and this they have to follow religiously.
In a matter of minutes, this notice does its rounds, and all ADJs and the DJ get to know about it.
What is interesting is the presence of lawyers on the campus even during strikes and ‘no adverse order days’, which also falls in the category of strike

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