Bharat Jain, Said To Be Richest Beggar In The World Lives In Mumbai

Did you know that the richest beggar in the world resides in Mumbai? Bharat Jain as the name goes earns around  Rs 75 to 80,000 per month. His net worth is around 7.5 crores.
Fifty-four-year-old Bharat Jain has been begging in the financial capital of India for the past around 40 years and owns shops and flats in Pune and Mumbai.
Unconfirmed reports say, he commands several hundred beggars and gets some cash from them as his cut, say people.
Hailing from a financially humble family Bharat could not pursue education and started begging, a job he found quite lucrative. Once the money started coming in with little effort he never saw back and even did not think about starting some other business which he could have done easily.

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