Convict Escapes From High Security Naini Central Jail In Allahabad


BK Singh

It sounds like a thriller. A convict identified as Kalicharan has sent cops into a tizzy by escaping from the high-security Naini Central Jail.

The incident took place on July 21.

The 28-year-old prisoner hailing from Mahoba had been convicted in a case of mass rape, Four jail staff personnel have been suspended for dereliction of duty and other charges against them.

The jail staff had taken the convict along with other prisoners for carrying out agricultural work behind the women’s cell. While doing work Kalicharan complained about not feeling well due to bad weather and as such he took off the prisoner’s uniform.

Before the end of the day’s work, he hid himself in some corner. After this prisoners were taken back to their cells but the jail staff on duty could not smell a rat.

Kalichran’s absence was realized when the counting of prisoners was carried out.

On the other hand, after a little darkness had set in Kalicharan is understood to have climbed a tree near the high walls of the prison. Finding the right time he must have jumped on the wall and then probably taken another leap setting himself free.

Sirens were sounded and the jail staff made all efforts to find the missing prisoner but failed.

Cops were alertted and a manhunt was launched immediately but with no results.

Meanwhile, police teams are looking for the escaped prisoners.


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