Heat waves strikes northern India

  1. Photo: Girish




As severe heat engulfs  northern plains of the country, life in Allahabad has been thrown out of gear. With hot winds blowing into face roads are bearing deserted look.

Day temperature has been around 43 degrees during afternoons. This in turn has caused the night temperature also to rise.

Weather experts say, the current situation could continue for more than a week.

The assessment that day temperature could reach 45 degrees has set alarm bells ringing.

The minimum temperature could be around 37 degrees, say weather experts.

The maximum temperature recorded on Saturday was 43 degrees.

It was slightly less than Friday. However, despite this people appeared to be more restless with heat on this day.

The situation is such that roads are now having a thin crowd with the approach of day and after 10 am those venturing out of their houses are doing so in an emergency.

Swarup Rani Nehru hospital in the city has set up a thirty bed ward to admit patients suffering from heat stroke.

According to the principal SRN hospital, the ward has been equipped with all necessary medicine and doctors and nursing staff have been directed to be vigilant and helping.

Sources said, there has been sudden rise in diarrhea and nausea cases.

Patients in other government hospitals like Colvin and TB Sapru hospitals have also increased.

Doctors have advised people to have lots of fluids and be hydrated to counter I’ll effects of heat wave. The best way is to drink three to four litres of water and consume seasonal fruits, says Dr VK Tripathi, senior physician.

According to him watermelons, Cucumbers are like medicine in peak summers in this Northern part of the country that witnesses similar situation every summers.

Hot, red and dry skin with no sweat, fast pulse, difficulty in breathing, vertigo, headache, nausea and weakness are some if the symptoms of heat stroke.



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