Kumbh is on the anvil even then road repairs and maintenance are lacking speed? What about CMs directives ?


The speed and manner in which road maintenance and repairs were being carried sends out clear-cut message that those entrusted with this task do not care for the life and limbs of denizens.

It’s because they know that they will get out of trouble soon. Top officer saves the junior. They are all are earning commissions beyond imagination.
They are  hand-in gloves gobbling taxpayers’ money.

We all pay road taxes which goes into the belly of corrupt officers.

Only a while ago a cyclist fell to his death in a gaping hole on a road.
Hue and cry raised over the incident attracted the attention of the commissioner who visited the spot and found that the contractor was at fault.
Compensation was announced to the family of the deceased but can money buy the life of a person.
What about the emotional gap created in a family by the death of a person under such circumstances due to deliberate carelessness?
Kumbh is on the anvil. One may call less than three months away.
But look at the condition of dozens of small and big roads in this city which is bracing itself to hold one of the greatest events in the world with the gathering of millions of people.
Two-wheeler riders were being more careful these days to ride on bumpy roads where manhole covers were still jutting out above road level.
Roads have cracks and gaping holes that a two-wheeler rider encounters all of a sudden with no time to save his limbs.

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