LokTantrik Party Moves High Court Challenging Municipal Development Authority To Close Meat Shops On kanwar Routes

A petition has been filed before the Allahabad High Court challenging the order issued by the Varanasi Municipal Corporation (VMC) to close meat shops situated along the Kanwar Yatra route during the month of Sawan.
The petition, which was moved by the National Loktantrik Party through its national president (executive) Mohammad Suhail, on Wednesday has sought an urgent hearing in the matter.
The petitioner has taken the plea that the above directive not only violates the fundamental freedom to carry on any occupation, trade or business guaranteed under Article 19(1)(g) but also breaches the fundamental right to life with dignity and personal liberty as guaranteed under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution.
According to the petitioner, the practice of Kanwariya in ‘Sawaan’ is an age-old practice during which the meat shops have always remained open. Therefore, the authorities by passing such directives are trying to create an exclusion by identity, he added.
The petitioner has further taken the ground that the authorities have passed a directive without considering the fact that the said directive will impact the livelihood of the shopkeepers. The shops’ earnings are the means of livelihood for the shop owners and closure of business on the ground of selling non-vegetarian items is unreasonable and violates their fundamental right to carry on their trade or business and also creates unlawful discrimination without sufficient cause as to why the meat shops were only chosen to be closed,” the petitioner added.
The petition also said such a decision promotes a breach of the fundamental right of individual liberty and choice of food, as it prevents the persons willing to consume meat or for whom consumption of meat and non-vegetarian food is medically prescribed.
Many of these shops may be on rental and sudden closure of shops will affect them. As per the plea, these meat shops are mostly owned by people of the Muslim faith.
As per sources, the municipal body said that the decision was taken so that Kanwariyas do not face any issues during their yatra. The news report also said there are 96 meat shops on the Kanwar Yatra route.

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