Shuddering Consequences of Rape and murder needs to be publicized in rural and urban habitats by the powers that be to drastically curtail it.



The excruciating pain of the death penalty against rape and murder of a woman whether minor or major needs to be publicized in a manner by the government that even illiterates in this country shudder at the very thought of it.

Our law though states the death penalty for such offenders but men should also feel a chill down their spine that justice would come calling in a very short period, at the most ninety days or even less.

The prevalent legal scene in the country to date in heinous crimes against women is that the issue drags its feet in law courts for long periods.

There also exists a general feeling that many cases are managed.

It is this misconception or could be a reality in a few cases, which needs to be tackled and looked into by lawmakers in this country, says social activist Govind Sharan.

The government needs to advertise such stringent punishment through advertisements and street corner plays in rural and urban habitats, opines the social activist.


As of now, laws on crime against women are confined to courts after getting reported by the media once or a few times.

After this, it gets erased from public memory even though the courts are hearing such cases.

But this was not the end, needs to be ingrained in public memory. Anybody who dares to commit such a crime might face a death sentence.

If this is looked into by the government there could be a drastic cut in several such cases, says, Govind Sharan.

The government spends lots of money on ads these days, then why not have ads on the repercussions of crime against women?

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