Terrorism appears to have shifted focus on railway tracks in the country.


BK Singh


Repeated incidents of unsuccessful attempts at derailing trains in India have come as a shock and surprise, not to the railways and the Union government alone but people at large have sit up to think about it.


In India railways happens to be the chief mode of transporting goods and passengers and the country has the largest network of railway tracks reaching the remotest area cutting through rocks and mountains.


As a matter of fact railways were the spinal chord of the country both in terms of ferrying passengers as well as goods.


No other country has such a gigentic network of iron tracks criss crossing from here to there and everywhere.


Close on the heels of an attempt to derail a train in Kanpur a similar act was committed to kill train passengers in Ajmer.

But luckily the train blew away the big cement block and passed almost unscathed.


This incident took place between Saraghna and Bagda villages where virtually militant like people tried their best to inflict big harm to railways and passengers but the victim train happened to be a goods train that split open the cement block kept in the track to cause an accident.


The sturdy train engine blew away the cement block almost into pieces and passed through the tracks along with its bogies.


Dozens of such incidents through out the country have nearly confirmed speculations that all such disruptive activities are directly connected to militancy which has shifted its area of operation and was targeting railway tracks to incite fear and spread terror in the country to destablise it.


During the past two months nearly two dozen such incidents have taken place in country’s one particular region.


In nearly all the above happenings big and heavy objects were placed to derail speeding trains. This includes gas cylinders, heavy wooden and cement blocks including heavy iron pieces. But luck had been favouring both the passengers as well as the railways.


But now all boundaries have veen crossed and security agencies are working hard to bust this focal point of terror activity right in the middle of us.


Till now militants had been creating trouble from across the country’s borders particularly the north western parts but now they are in the middle of us. They are living like normal citizens but stealthily planning to kill enmass. They have spread their tentacles in the midst of the country where population is thick.


An FIR at Mangliyas police station against unidentified persons has veen lodged and investigations were in progress.


One success in nabbing a couple of traitors would certainly lead to nabbing dozens of such destroyers and infiltrators trying with full intent and focus to create chaos.


Most of such incidents have been reported from Odhisa, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Bengal.


In the Ajmer incident police has formed a Special Investigating team while other cases elsewhere were been thoroughly looked into by the Anti Terrorists Squad (ATS) and ither security wings.


The manner in which such incidents have gained momentum points towards sleeper cells being activated by militants.

These sleeper cells are living in villages having railway tracks close to them.

It appears they gather quietly after others are asleep and target the tracks.


If not them who would do this. Do we expect men from Pakistan army to do this. And even if they do where were they getting iron cement and big wooden blocks to be placed on tracks.


We need less security men and more sleuths from the intelligence to break their back bone.

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