To stay step ahead of police cyber criminals have started hiring bank accounts of labour class:.




Cyber crime appears to have replaced lot of criminal activities in the society.

Cyber criminals have started hiring accounts of labour class in order to slip away.

Cyber criminals sit at faraway places and carry out activities with impunity.

With a history of being way behind criminals our police in majority of cases feels defeated at the hands of these smart men.

Except in cases of murder, robberies and other crminal activities where identification becomes easy cops falter in other areas.

In many cases innocent persons even in such cases are victims at the hands of these men in khaki as they get implicated in acts for no fault.

There are so nany cases where innocent persons were languishing in jails after being framed by police.

Criminals have always been one step ahead of police.

Barring stray cases cops always reach late after crime was committed. In many cases cops know well that crime was in the offing but we all know they sleep over the fact.

In a new twist to their activities cyber criminals have reportedly started hiring poor labourers accounts to carry on their activities and were making it difficult for the cops to trace them.

From one style to another cyber criminals hop from one modus operandi to another.

However, the Allahabad police has claimed to have blocked 6416 mobile numbers.

Criminals operating from these numbers were from UP, Bihar,Jharkhand, Delhi and Bengal.

They had been hoodwinking gullible mobile users through one trick or the other. Police also claims to have taken steps to seize their accounts.

Money duped from people would be returned to them says ACP crime Satish Chandra.

Police till now has come to know about 574 bank accounts in which duped money had been transferred.

We have managed to get 49 accounts seized in the first phase says cyber cell incharge Vinod Yadav. Police was communicating with banks to seize remaining accounts.

Police admits large network of cyber criminals spread over in every nook and corner. This was the reason why working out cases has become time taking.

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