Veteran Ex Service Lady Vidhya Subrahmanyam’s (OPEN LETTER TO RAHUL GANDHI).

Vidhya Subrahmanyam: Mr Rahul Gandhi ji,
Heartiest Congratulations on assuming the post of Leader of the Opposition in Parliament (LOP).
This is your 1st Govt job at the age of 54.
At your age I superannuated from the Army.
My 1st job I was on an Out Post at 15,500 ft height, where the borders between India, China and Bhutan meets (Trijunction).
You were lucky to be born in a family, where you could apply and directly get post of an MP.
I am a nonpolitical Veteran and therefore my views are that of a grass root common man with expectations, for a better future of Bharat.
The people of India voted and gave your Party 99 seats.
Was it not the democratic process which almost doubled your party’s seat share and made you eligible for the post of LOP?
Then why do you feel that the democracy has been compromised and need to be saved? Does Democracy to you mean only for interest of your Party and Family?
Please do not insult the verdict of the people of India. The country has voted for Modiji and he has been chosen as the Leader by the NDA and thus took oath of office as full-fledged PM.
Do you actually feel that the Constitution of India is in danger, from its own people? Do you really believe that the Constitution of India should be always in your pocket, like the pocket version you keep displaying? Perhaps that thought prompted you on 28 September 2013, to tear off the Ordinance of your own Govt?
I don’t have to reiterate how the Constitution has been treated, amended and manipulated time and again by the Congress.
I happened to read a ‘Thought for the Day’ outside a Church in Delhi, which said, “We worry about things which are not there”. How true. Assumed fears and Modi phobia seems to be driving the Opposition, not your leadership.
After your 3rd attempt at the chair of the PM, you could at least come second and get the rank of LOP.
 During the recent Parliamentary session, one expected fireworks in the form of intellectual debate from you. After all it was your debut to be remembered for posterity as a Parliamentarian and a leader of the entire Opposition.  Alas, it was not to be. Did you assume LOP to be the ‘Leader of Protest’?  It was deplorable to see your leadership was nothing more than that of a mob leader who has neither authority nor responsibility. Is this the outcome of your 54 years in a political family which has given the country three Prime Ministers? Or was it your experience of 20 years as MP in the Parliament?
Your concern and that of your party for the Armed Forces, does not sound authentic and genuine. It was PM Pandit Nehru who sent the Army to fight the Chinese in 1962 with no ammunition and no winter clothing. It was PM Smt Indira Gandhi who reduced the pension of soldiers in 1973. It was she again who repeatedly humiliated FM Sam Manekshaw. He deserved the Bharat Ratna for the 1971 victory, but was even denied a dignified farewell. It was your father Shri Rajiv Gandhi who sent soldiers into Sri Lanka, without any intelligence back up. It was the Congress, under stewardship of your mother Smt Sonia Gandhi, who denied OROP to the soldiers. You yourself have always tried to humiliate the Armed Forces by questioning their death-defying acts of valour and loyalty. Will the Armed Forces ever salute you with respect and pride, even if you ever become the PM?
As a man born in the most revered political family of India, with so much experience and now as LOP, it was expected of you to bring-in the much-desired level in parliamentary discussions and debate. With your first speech as LOP, you missed the opportunity and lost the debate.
 Your refusal to listen to the PM and instigating the Opposition MPs to go into the Well of the House and create ruckus was not what we expected of you. You have the audacity to term all Hindus as violent but not the moral courage to stand by your own words. False promises, lies and rhetoric can take you this far but not beyond.
Your role as LOP must be constructive, for the Nation. An LOP in the System is for ‘Checks & Balances’ and not in the literal sense opposing every move of the Govt.
Remember, you can enhance your rank, but no amount of rank can enhance you as a man. Being a Prime Minister is not in your hands but being a good man and a good statesman you can be.
The elections are over, now please let the democratically elected Govt function.

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