Extortion demand of Rs one crore made from coaching institute owner in Allahabad. Victim lodges complaint with George Town Police, also shares the video clip on social platform and police:


BK Singh

A coaching institute owner Vivek Kumar has lodged a case of extortion at George Town police station against few named and unnamed anti social elements.

The institute owner has  posted his anguish, fear and complaint on the social platform also.

The coaching institute owner in Tagore Town locality has alleged that earlier the extortion demand was 50 lakh but now the miscreants have raised it to Rs one crore.
The issue after coming on social platform has sent shock waves because the Yogi government in the state had been making it clear on occasions that criminals will not be spared at any cost.
Although, one sees and hears strict action against criminals but even then the miscreants appear to be challenging the might of the government by their boldness and brazen actions which forces one to feel that such persons must be having a strong political backing. Else who would dare to challenge a government on the home turf.
The FIR carries the names of one Rahul Singh Parihar, Badal Singh, Praveen Shukla, Saurabh Tewari and twenty unidentified persons said to be from the same group.
According to Vivek, some anti social elements barged into his Tagore Town coaching institution and after hurling invectives demanded Rs 50 lakh from the employees failing which they threatend to vandalise the place.
He brushed the issue aside earlier says Vivek but the above named persons went vulgar and started abusing him on Tuesday while he was at the institute.
The miscreants raised the extortion demand to Rs one crore saying this was being done since the institute owner had failed to abide by the earlier demand of Rs 50 lakh.
The miscreants also threatened to kill him if he failed to fulfill their demand, says Vivek.
One of the accused also allegedly attacked the victim with a bat but Vivek managed to save himself.
Meanwhile, the miscreants left the institute in a huff threatening the victim with dire consequences. The victim has also shared a video clip of the incident and handed over the clip to the police.
The police is investigating the case.

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