Drug stores outside SRN hospital confront MBBS students demanding funds to hold their cultural extravaganza.


Drug and medicine store owners outside the boundary of SRN hospital downed their shutters in protest against heavy donation demands of MBBS students on tuesday.

The police had to intervene to diffuse the situation after drug dealers unitedly confronted the students.
Later the drug dealers joined hands to make a written complaint to the principal against what they alleged was extortion of money from them. 
The principal took the issue seriously and directed students to tender a written apology to the drug dealers following the intervention of Rana Chawla who is the president of Drug Dealers Association.
Every year the MBBS students organize Euphoria, a festival that showcases several programs.
For this, they raise funds and contribute money. However, they also rely upon outside help.
What irked the drug dealers was the demand of Rs 35,000 from shops in the first row, 25,000 from the second row and 15,000 from the third row.
Initially argument ensued between both the sides but the situation became ugly after the dealers refused to bend down to the demands of the MBBS students.
Meanwhile, police intervened after shopkeepers downed their shutters expressing their anger.

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