Fuel outlets to be monitored more comprehensively


To enhance regulatory oversight of retail fuel outlets, the government has implemented a comprehensive monitoring system leveraging cutting-edge technologies, according to a Parliamentary report tabled on Monday. The monitoring framework integrates advanced technologies including OTP-based calibration, magnetic self-destructive pulses, and digital payment systems, enabling real-time data analytics across the country’s fuel distribution network.

The action taken report by the standing committee on consumer affairs, food ,and public distribution revealed that the monitoring system has been expanded nationwide, with special emphasis on high-risk areas.
The regulatory mechanism, developed under the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 and Legal Metrology (General) Rules, 2011, provides a robust oversight framework.
“By adhering to the provisions of the Act and leveraging modern monitoring tools, the government aims to enhance regulatory oversight, protect consumer interests, and foster a fair and transparent marketplace across all retail outlets nationwide,” the report said.

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