PM Narendra Modi participates on International Yoga Day, at Srinagar: Yoga… Powerful medium in our life’s journey:


The world looks at Yoga as a powerful medium for the good and betterment of people on this planet.

Yoga helps to live in the present without carrying burden of the past.

Yoga could become a big attraction for tourists coming to Jammu and Kashmir.

Speaking on the International Yoga day.

 PM said, the main topic on International Yoga Day was ‘yoga for ‘self and society’ .

The PM was speaking at the International Yoga Day organised at Shere Kashmir Conference Centre at Srinagar.

Yoga was not just a genre but science also.

Meditation was a part of Yoga but when we talk about it many of us feel it was a spiritual journey.

That it was a means to reach Allah, Ishwar or God.

The world is now treating Yoga as a powerful medium for universal well being.

Home minister Amit Shah said, India has made great contribution to humanity and Yoga was the biggest gift given by India.

The home minister said this while speaking at a garden on International Yoga day in Ahemdabad.

After becoming PM of the country Narendra Modi addressed the United Nations Assembly in 2014.

On June 21 this year, he put forth a proposal that International Yoga Day be  organised every year on this day. The proposal was accepted. Every year world wide International Yoga Day is celebrated on this day.

The whole world has recognised Yoga and humanity has understood its importance in their lives.

People are learning Yoga  teaching Yoga and reaping it’s benefits.


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