Principal Secretary to CM , Sanjay Prasad takes serious note if poor condition of roads in Salori area: PDA and Nagar Nigam officials visit the locality and get repairs done:


The pitiable condition of pot-holed roads in the city’s densely populated Salori locality has drawn the attention of the Chief Minister’s office.

Taking cognizance of reports regarding the dilapidated condition of roads in Allahabad’s Salori area, Principal Secretary to CM Sanjay Prasad has taken PDA and Nagar Nigam officials of Allahabad to task.

Besides making officials answerable, Sanjay Prasad has directed officials to immediately get roads repaired in this area before the beginning of the Shree Krishna Baldau yatra during the “Dadhikando Mela” a religious festival.

 Officials of Nagar Nigam and PDA rushed to Salori to inspect roads in Salori and get them renovated timely.

Officials said they expect that the roads will be repaired within two to three days to facilitate the smooth holding of the Dadhikando fair.

However, Salori is not the only area where roads with potholes are in bad shape.

Roads in every nook and corner of this city need repairs. Minor and serious mishaps keep taking place due to the poor quality of roads. Two-wheeler riders were the most affected because of the poor condition of the roads.

Slow progress in the construction of the flyover in the Kalindipuram area has been causing much inconvenience to a big chunk of the population living in Kalindipuram and its adjoining localities.

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