RG Kar Medical College Doctors Waiting For CBI Findings: Dissatisfaction runs through medical fraternity in the country:

 BK Singh

The sloppy manner in which the Kolkata doctor rape and murder investigation seems to progressing gives ample indication that several people including principal doctor Sandeep Gosh were trying to offload the delicate and horrifying issue in one corner in a bid to save their skin.

Not that they were involved with the accused but one thing seems to be certain the principal is still not divulging the truth despite two polygraph tests. What leads to the suspicion against him is the fact of his alleged involvement in several irregularities.

Since he was then holding the post of principal of the college the burden of responsibilities was officially on his shoulders.
It is also well known that the principal had political backing and that he cared two hoots for others talking behind his back on the campus. A former superintendent had in writing made a complaint against the principal but he managed to wriggle out of the situation. All this could have possibly happened because of his strong political affiliations,
But as the situation stands now with doctors not willing to cooperate in the manner they unitedly ought to have done in case the nature of the crime had been just rape and she had not been murdered, she would have openly held her accusing finger at the rapists and would have clearly told their names or would have identified them and narrated the sequence of events. In this event, things would have been different.
But right from the principal down to those who matter were reportedly trying to save their skin.
For the administration at the RG Kar hospital, such incidents get relegated to the background with the passage of time and are replaced by new things, public memory being short-lived is another big factor in their favor.
It’s for the CBI to find if the principal is a habitual drinker as there are greater chances that the victim had been procuring a bottle or two from the principal as a reward for work he did for the former.
Then there are errands that the accused could have been doing on the doctor’s demand both inside and outside the hospital.
Allegations are already there against the principal that he used to throw liquor parties in the guest house and chosen medical students were invited by the principal to have fun. Could be that the victim also frequented these parties thrown by the principal to keep some junior doctors on his side
Now the question arises there must be good humane doctors in the lot and they would find no solace as long as the culprits are not caught. Their conscience would prick them.
Almost everybody murmurs that this rape and murder was laden with several other factors.
If Sanjay Roy was the only accused at the time, a look at his pictures on social media gives a clear hint that he was an alcoholic who binged on alcohol daily.
. There are suspicions that he could be a habitual drug addict along with alcohol.
Such persons do not have much muscular strength and the victim was surely healthy enough to give a tough time to him in getting overpowered to such an extent that he could rape her,
. A dead drunk man loses focus and muscular strength in the sense that he cannot channel all his energies towards one object. Then tearing away a woman’s clothes while she is still resisting is another tough job and Sanjay Roy did all this without help from any other person does not go down one’s throat.
Now, it’s the CBI alone that can break the ice

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