Supreme Court Order Brings Happiness To Many


Traders, the wala, eatery, and dhaba owners in the states of UP, MP, and Uttaranchal are a happy lot.

Following supreme court orders that put a hold on the orders of governments in these states requiring food sellers to display nameplates on routes taken by Kanwarias, smiles have returned on faces.
Businesses of several thousand eateries and dhabas including thela walas were affected after the government passed orders that eateries should display the names of owners police in these states went strict.
Thousands of Kanwarias walk to Shiva temples after gathering Ganga water for Jal Abhishek during the ongoing month of Shravan.
During these days they maintain a strict vegetarian routine.
A lot many eateries and dhabas on these roads are owned by Muslims and knowingly no Kanwaria would be willing to eat anything at a Muslim-run dhaba.
Arguments and brawls in the past have been reported from several cases which leads to law and order problems, police say.
It’s the police that deals in such cases often inviting allegations of high-handedness and showing favour to one community.
As a result, the governments of the three states decided to do something in order to ensure a peaceful festival.
But Muslim owners including civil rights activists and organizations raised a big hue and cry calling government action discriminatory and against fundamental rights.
While staying the orders of these governments, the Supreme Court has said such orders cannot be termed as mandatory and issued notices to these states

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