The man who brutally killed his two innocent minor daughters before hanging himself to death had left a suicide note discovered by police later


The man who stabbed to death his two innocent minor daughters and hanged himself to death in Ramman Ka Pura locality here in Allahabad had left a suicide note that police found later Sunday evening several hours after the incident.

Manish Prajapati, a painter and electrician has held his brother Amit and mother Geeta responsible for his death by suicide.

The 33 year old painter has accused his mother and brother for making his life difficult.

Manish has written that his family members were not ready to give him his share in family property. They also allegedly tarnished the image of his wife.

After the death of his father who worked as a machine operator at Government Printing Press his brother Amit had been pestering him to sign a no objection letter so that he could get his father’s job under dying in harness scheme.

Manish has also alleged in the suicide note that his brother Amit forcibly wanted to adopt one of his two daughters.

Manish wanted to know how his brother managed to get his father’s job without his consent even after he had turned down his brothers request of giving him a no objection letter.

The police after finding the suicide note in the house during a search also feels that Manish took the extreme step of suicide due to his harassment.

However, police was trying to authenticate the suicide bite with the help of forensic and handwriting experts.

However, it still remains to be answered that why Manish took the extreme step of brutally killing his two innocent daughters.

This step by Manish has dealt a rude shock to people in the family as well as the entire locality.

  1. People had been asking as to how a man could even think of killing his innocent daughters in such a brutal manner.


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