Vishwa Hindu Parishad decries government control over temples: Plans to raise banner of revolt in case government fails to heed their demands


The Vishwa Hindu Parishad has raised the banner of revolt against the government’s control of temples in the country. On Thursday the VHP activists took out a protest march from their office on Panna Lal Road and marched up to the commissioner’s office.

According to VHP activists, the outfit is deeply hurt over the irregularities being committed in all government-controlled temples. They are also hurt by the recent news of adulteration in the Tirupati Mandir Prasadam.
VHPs Kashi Prant President Kavindra Pratap Singh said government control on temples amounts to an infringement on the religious freedom of Hindus. This is hurting the religious sentiments of the Hindus. The property of temples should be used for the development of temples and the furtherance of religion. We are concerned because in our opinion the income from temples was being used in anti-Hindu activities and we are not ready to accept it.
He demanded that the management of temples should be handed over to seers, saints, and devotees so that the purity and sanctity of temples could be preserved and maintained. It is an issue of religious heritage that can best be preserved by true followers of the religion, not the government.
This step, he said was not just connected to saving and preserving the temples but also the pride, self-respect, and identity of the temples as well as the Hindu religion.
We shall raise a real banner of revolt and launch agitations in case the government fails to take the right steps in this direction, he declared.
Prominent VHP leaders including Vice President Vinod Agrawal, Anshuman, Ajay Gupta, Nitya Nand Upadhya, Manish, Captain Satya Prakash Misra, Yogesh, and several others were present on this occasion. 

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