Alarm bells start ringing for Israel. Iran prepares to hit back with strong ICBMs


Danger seems to be lurking for Israel. Videos and social media reveal,

 Iran tested an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) at its space center in Shahroud, northern the other day.
Shahroud is the same location that was targeted during the Israeli airstrike on October 26.
Analysts feel this missile test is being seen as a warning to both Israel and the United States that Iran is fully prepared to launch a revenge strike tentatively named “Operation True Promise-3”.
Meanwhile, residents near Shahroud reported seeing a large missile, with the light from its rocket booster visible from several kilometers away, reports Defence Security Asia.
Analysts believe the missile is a “super heavy” type, likely carrying a substantial payload, similar to the advanced Khorramshahr-4 ballistic missile, the most modern and sophisticated weapon in Iran’s arsenal, reports Defence Security Asia.
 Khorramshahr-4 was unveiled last year. It is reported to have an effective range of 2,000 km and a 1.5-ton warhead.

But Iranian officials have hinted that the actual range may be between 4,000 km and 5,000 km, despite public claims of a 2,000 km limit.

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