Dangerous limb breaking pits dot city’s roads. Several roads have such deadly patches but who cares: Two-wheeler riders are at the receiving end

BK Singh

The condition of roads in Allahabad at various spots is such that if one makes a slight mistake he will be dead and gone.

Even if he escapes death he will be in bed for six months nursing his injuries.
And this was happening.
In some cases, authorities are waiting for the final exit if it rains to start the repairing process, and in others, they don’t have funds.
A cyclist in Naini recently died after he suddenly found himself in a gaping big hole in the road that swallowed him.
The concerned authorities had not even put a danger signal around or before that hole.
Two-wheeler riders were getting injured on such roads and spits that have become too dangerous but the non-availability of funds was holding them back from ordering repairs, says Anil Kumar Misra, a chemist having his pharmacy inside the Anupam Hospital owned by Dr UC Dwivedi.
The police commissioner’s residence is hardly a few meters away from the spot where a gaping lengthy pit has been giving nightmares to two-wheeler riders. The DM stays a few meters further up towards the collectorate.
Even car drivers get a big sudden jerk and somehow control the vehicle in case they have not slowed down at this spot.
Jai Prakash Tripathi resident of Pratapgarh lost control over the two-wheeler handle and fell. He however escaped with minor injuries.
His brother-in-law is admitted to this nursing home. “I witness so many people getting injured daily here”, he says.
The pharmacy owner said, the bad condition of this patch of the road that leads towards the collectorate was there for the past several months but it has not been repaired despite the fact that the authorities know about it, he informed.
The police Commissioner and District Magistrate live on the same road. They too pass through this bad patch of the road at times but their drivers manage to steer through the deadly pit.
The only thing left was that we would stop the cars of either the DM and the Police Commissioner someday and request them to have a look at the road’s bad condition, said the Pharmacist.
According to him, a written complaint had been made long ago but we were told during the “Jan Sunwai” that repairs would be done only after funds arrived.
So till then all of us have to save our limbs, because, as of now, the authorities and the department concerned do not have the resources to help us.

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