Opposition feels dwarfed before PM Narendra Modi :


PM Narendra Modi’s criticism at a time he decided to have some peace of mind after hectic electioneering by meditating at Vivekanand Rocks has drawn much flak by common man here.


Every person has a right to privacy and the PM took this opportunity to give some rest to his nerves from the political tensions, says Girdhar Gopal a retired state government officer. Why should others create ruckus over it, he asks. The PM did not go even to his constituency and chose to have some peace.

There are so many politicians in the country who go on vacations, spend time in top class hotels with their families.

Apart from them PM chose a quite destination of peace and tranquility to give rest to his body, soul and mind, says Vipul Agnihotri, teaching at a college.

Those opposing Modi should do a heart searching and ask themselves whether their criticism was right or wrong, says a BJP man.

They are criticising him solely because Modi is PM of a country that is on the path of becoming the third largest economy in the world. At the moment India has been rated as the fifth largest economy, he added.

Prominent leaders of the world have started praising PMs wisdom and feel that India was doing great under his leadership.

Opposing the PM has become a habit.

The opposition feels dwarfed in front of the PM and hits back at every opportunity, he added with a smile.

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