Prayagraj (Allahabad) railway junction station being converted into world class with airport like facilities:


Prayagraj (Allahabad ) railway junction station is on the verge of being remodelled among world class railway stations.
A sum of 936.4 crores is expected to be spent in two phases.
NCR is providing airport like facilities to passengers.
Soon the station will have twelve platforms accessible through two mega concourses, 42 lifts and 29 escalators.

Chief public relation officer Himanshu Shekhar Upadhya said, the redeveloped junction would cover an area of 90,375 square metres.
The newly constructed station will have a spacious concourse with a cafetaria and recreational facilities.
There will be state of the art facilities like a roof top plaza, cafetaria, play zone, aur conditioned reserved lounge etc.
The entire structure is being redeveloped keeping in mind differently abled persons. The designers have kept in mind there may be individuals who are not comfortable with escalators, stairs will also be there along with lifts.
The structures of the two concourses will be constructed over the railway tracks and the passengers would see for themselves on which platform their train is arriving and they would be free to either wait or leave the concourse which will have access to all platforms, informed the cpro.

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