SUPREME COURT : Hindu Marriage Not acceptable without “saat phere”— Seven Rounds of Sacred Fire.


B K Singh

Supreme Court’s refusal to grant permission of divorce to two commercial pilots who had entered into marriage without taking seven rounds of the sacred fire and taking the holy vow has been hailed by Vedic Pundits of this ancient holy city of Allahabad renamed Prayagraj.

Marriages that are carried out without following customs cannot be recognised under Hindu Marriage Act, the bench has ruled.

The judgment has been passed by Justice BV Nagrathna and Justice Augustine George Masih.
The couple had sought permission of divorce from the court.
On its part the court has said marrige in Indian society is a sacred union of man and woman.
The court further said, marriage is not an occasion to dance and be merry or take gifts and dowry by building pressure which could invite legal action. Marriages are not commercial give and take but it’s an occasion which paves the way for the sacred union of a man and a woman. Through this process the man and woman attain status of husband and wife which is the basic foundation of Indian society.

Hindu marriages are a pious knot that has great value in our society, the bench further observed cautioning young couples to think deeply before entering into the institution of marriage.

Meanwhile, Vedic scholar Ayodhya Prasad Shashtri has expressed concern over the increasing number of divorce cases in the society.

It is all because of commercial thinking of majority of people and hasty decisions of young boys and girls. Marriages are floundering within weeks.This in turn causes agony to parents. In case of divorce after a child, the child develops lifelong psychological problems and is forced to live with it. Divorce or seperation affects several lives and is not healthy.

The scholar suggests young men and women to read Vedas and Indian culture including Hindu way of life.
This is easily available on the internet.

This would give one a deep insight into life and its meaning and pave the way for a healthy fruitful life, he opines.

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