West Bengal government passes bill in assembly that provides death sentence to rapists. BJP main opposition party fully supports the bill. Bill will be sent to Governor and lastly to the president for his assent:


The West Bengal government has passed a bill in the assembly that will make rapists shudder in fear.

This bill will be sent to the Governor and after he puts his seal on it it will be finally sent to the president for his assent.
Once this is done the bill will become a law.

In case the victim goes into a coma or dies, the perpetrators of the crime will be awarded.
 death sentence. A life sentence will be awarded to the accused in case the victim survives.
In all the above cases, the investigations must be completed in twenty-one days.
Gone are the days when months and in a few cases it used to take years for the investigation to be completed.
Now the noose has been tightened.
The main ruling party in the West Bengal government, the Trinamul Congress headed by Mamta Bannerjee has the full support of the BJP the main opposition party.
State Law Minister Malaya Ghatak presented the bill in the assembly which was fully supported by the BJP.
The main idea behind passing such a harsh law was to provide security and safety to children, minors and major girls including women folk in society.
Provision has been made to slam life imprisonment also to those who help the accused in the commitment of such a crime. Such offenders will not get parole.
The family of the accused will also have to cough up money as a fine.

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