Don’t get carried away by “WhatsApp University” messages: Supreme Court Justice KV Viswanathan

Justice KV Viswanathan of the Supreme Court on Saturday flagged the increasing spread of misinformation through virtual mediums and mobile apps like WhatsApp.

He alluded to the oft-used term ‘WhatsApp University’, which refers to the spread of fake news and other misinformation via online platforms, and cautioned against getting carried away by such messages.
“Nowadays a lot of misconception is there. We have this WhatsApp University. We should not get carried away by such messages. A lot of truth decay [is] happening,” Justice Viswanathan said.
“Nowadays a lot of misconception is there. We have this WhatsApp University. We should not get carried away by such messages. A lot of truth decay [is] happening,” Justice Viswanathan said.
The judge was speaking at an event at OP Jindal Global Law University. Justice Viswanathan was part of the panel comprising various Supreme Court judges who spoke about the Constitution of India.
In his speech, the judge spoke about the importance of defending the rights of minorities. He also underscored that the term “minority” does not mean religious minorities alone but also includes linguistic minorities.
“We are all minorities. Somehow the term minority has encompassed religion, but it includes linguistic minorities also. It is very important to protect these rights also. Whether we are judges, legislature or executive, have to defend to the hilt,” he said.
As regards India’s performance as a Constitutional democracy, he said,
“It is important to draw a balance sheet and reflect on the performance of our Constitution and institutions under it. Predominantly, we have done extraordinarily well.”
Further, Justice Viswanathan opined that the performance of India’s Constitution can be seen in its smooth functioning and the greatness of its citizens.
He particularly highlighted the fact that not a single apex court judge, state legislature, or the executive has clung to their positions even after the expiry of their tenures.
“There has never been any threat of secession and that shows the greatness of our people. Because our Constitution recognizes equality, diversity, and guaranteed rights. We have course corrected on ADM Jabalpur,” Justice Viswanathan added.
He described basic structure doctrine as the Supreme Court of India’s most important pronouncement and said that it has stood the test of time.
“I think the judiciary has performed a very salutary role and it [has] firm check on excesses,” he added.
Interestingly, he also made it clear that the judiciary must render justice speedily, and delay in doing so is a violation of the rule of law.
“Yes filing of cases shows faith in judiciary but he is also looking for speedy justice that is part of basic structure and not securing it is a violation of the rule of law let us be clear about it,” he said.
In conclusion, Justice Viswanathan said the judiciary has to respect all constitutional organs “but at arm’s length”

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