Discovery Of 2000 Year Old City Under The Sea Spellbounds Divers And Scientists in The Gulf Of Naples: Beautiful Statues Marble Flooring Found.


It’s a stunning discovery in the Gulf of Naples where they have found almost an entire fabulous city.

Archeologists and Scientists estimate that the city got submerged in the sea more than 2000 years ago.

According to Archaeological Park of Phlegraean Fields, the city named Baiya got submerged in the sea due hydrothermal and seismic activities.

According to a report published in the Nagrad Sun, the city is spread in an area of 177 hectares and existed in third century but it got submerged due to various factors. Slowly, people forgot about it.

The discovery surprised the sea divers because they found beautiful well carved out statues and so many precious articles that are considered invaluable.

It’s difficult to price them.

Besides the statues and some other precious articles the divers have found a big marble floor that could have been the reception place.

It could have been a fashionable sea side resort where the rich and powerful people in those days used to come for pleasure and recreation, it is being surmised.

Famous men and women of that age like Julius Caesar, Celopatra, Cicero and Haydrian could be thronging this marvellous place, researchers and scientists claim.

John Smout, a researcher has claimed that Celopatra must have visited this place.

Besides, this place was frequented by so many other famous personalities in that age.

History has so many hidden surprises which are difficult to think or fathom. Humans at times imagine such things but it’s nearly impossible to see them.

They leave us spell bound when they actually come before us. The world is actually mysterious as they say. And mysteries unfolds itself before us at times in this manner.

The numerous stories and mysteries hidden under water and in earth’s inner folds are not imaginary but true.

We start believing them when they are discovered or proven scientifically.

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