The Family Man, a comedy-espionage thriller, premiered in 2019 to glowing reviews, and its second season, released in 2021, was also well-received. The show tells the story of an unassuming spy, Srikant Tiwari, played by Manoj Bajpayee, and also stars Priyamani, Sharib Hashmi, Sharad Kelkar, Ashlesha Thakur, and Neeraj Madhav. With Samantha’s addition in season three has fetched more popularity to the show.
As the third season’s shoot continues, fans are eagerly waiting for an official announcement regarding the show’s future. If the creators decide to conclude the series with its fourth season, it will be a bittersweet moment for fans who have grown to love the characters and the show’s unique blend of humor and espionage.